More pots! After the massive culling of finicky plants this summer when only the most determined ones were brought in after two nights of frost, here's the rest of what we have on this side of the kalachuchi garden.
(Left) Philodendron erubescens or Pink Princess; (Right) Hoya obovata. Both grow best in humid climes, never below 50 percent but 60 and above is ideal. Keep in bright light but away from scorching full sun. If kept warm (22C and above), P. erubescens needs regular feeding. |
Aloinopsis schooneesii. Rescued from a nursery, soaking and almost dead seedlings. Autumn 2014 |
As an experiment, this one was raised to expose the large taproot. It doesn't seem to mind. Yet. (Autumn 2014). |
Echeveria purpusorum |
Cephalopentandra ecirrhosa, a winter-grower. On the left, Winter 2013. On the right, autumn 2014 starting to leaf out. |
Tacca chantrieri. This one is an unbelievable bitch. The only one worse is gardenia. |
Nematanthus wettsteinii, known as Goldfish Plant. It is supposed to be a delicate tropical plant but the only reason this one is still alive is because it was left outside to die and it didn't. It has been neglected since July and survived two nights in a row outside with temperatures below zero. Earning its winter spot indoors, it was finally brought it where it started to bloom. |
Community pot of forgotten things. No clue what that plant is on the far right. |
Kalachoe tomentosa. Fantastic neglectable fuzzy plant! Some of those are cat fur. |
Anacampseros rufescens. The wrinkles means it needs water. It turns purple when exposed to lots of sun. |
Crassula ovata. No way to explain why this plant is here at all. It gets chopped up drastically every time it gets annoying and leggy. That thing behind it is an Echevaria cultivar, Black Prince. It's a survivor of a severely etiolated plant. It will etiolate again indoors. |
New arrivals: Gasteria hybrids |
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